Candy Gibbs



I have the privilege of spending some time with many teens and college students and just talking to them can give us such wisdom and insight.  One common theme that is expressed over and over in my conversations is that they wish their parents were more approachable. Our kids wish they had more of our time and attention. Now don’t hear me say something that I’m not saying. I know for the most part the things we spend our time on are good things. Often times, even things that we feel like will provide Kingdom returns. Many times, we spend time doing things that in the beginning was for our family and then very quickly became a commitment that had little direct impact on our kids. Instead, it actually took time away from them. You know what I am talking about if you have ever been the PTA president, the elementary soccer coach, or even a volunteer. There are so many things that fight for our time and many times our families end up losing.

I have taken stock of my own time recently and it only took a quick glance to realize that work continued into my family’s time too many evenings. It was always something that seemed like an immediate need and of valid importance, but won out over my children and my wonderful husband far too many times. Can you relate?

I figure it is time that I do something about it. Here are some changes that I am implementing beginning immediately.

  • I will not take phone calls regarding work after 6:00 pm unless it is truly an emergency.
  • I will plug my phone in the bedroom before 9:00 pm each night.
  • I will not allow any other event or invitation to invade time that has already been committed to my family.
  • I will not make a new commitment of my time unless I discuss it with my husband and we are in complete agreement about my decision.
  • I will limit working from home as much as possible.
  • I will give the Father full sway to point out things in my schedule that should be cancelled or rescheduled.
  • I will not be so busy that I am not available for His unexpected, divine assignments for me each day.

I hope this helped you…but I can tell you it certainly helped me to put it in writing.

My love,

Buy Candy’s book Rescue here! 

Candy GibbsYou can swim confidently into the murky waters of parenting teens! Rescue offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical applications. Working with a group of young “Lifeguards” throughout the book, Candy Gibbs gives struggling parents the life preservers they need to rescue teens from a drowning culture. With Biblical insights and Candy’s own creative techniques, Rescue is the “Noah’s Ark” of parenting books, ensuring that today’s teens will carry on a legacy of godliness to generations to come. Find out more!

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