Candy Gibbs

What do you say?  Shall we tackle a couple more?

“How do we as parents teach our kids to respect others beliefs while not falling into the idea that all beliefs are right?”

I understand totally what you mean.  It is difficult to navigate waters in which your teen is exposed to so many different belief systems many of which do not support yours.  The important thing is that in our families we base our beliefs on the only truth and that is His Word.  Not all belief systems are right or equal. The real idea is not respecting wrong belief systems, but helping our teens understand that all people have value.  All people are loved by God.  It isn’t about accepting other’s beliefs…it’s about valuing them enough that our words and actions point them to Him. 

“How do you start the conversation with your kids about sex? Should you wait for it to come up naturally, or do you think you should create a special time to talk about it?”

I don’t think I have met a parent yet who looks forward to having this “talk”. J  Remember that the “talk” is not a onetime thing.  It is important to take any opportunity that presents itself.  But likely, you will need to initiate it the first go around.  Many children are very uncomfortable asking questions regarding sex at least until we have a conversation with them letting them know that we are open to talking with them.  Experts say that we should talk to our children about sex by age 8 if we want to be the ones giving the information to them for the first time.  I would recommend setting aside a time to talk with your child about sex using age appropriate information.  Once the initial discussion has taken place I don’t think you will have to set aside special times to discuss sex and topics related to it.  They will naturally present themselves and you will feel more comfortable discussing.  God created sex to be a blessing.  Our children just need to understand the parameter’s that He set.  Sex someday, in marriage will be a great blessing. 

I understand how difficult parenting is in this most difficult culture.  But relying on Him and listening to His guidance and direction will always point us in the right direction.  I am praying for you and I am excited about all the Lord is doing in your teen.

My love, 

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