Candy Gibbs

“Fingerprints are set in stone by the time a fetus reaches 17 weeks…The level of activity of a fetus and the general chaos of the conditions of the womb prevent fingerprints from developing exactly the same way in any two fetuses. The entire development process is so chaotic that, over the entire course of human history, there is virtually no chance that the exact same pattern formed twice. What this means, though, is that fingerprints are different on every finger of your hand, they’re different on the same fingers of opposite hands, and even the fingerprints of identical twins are different from each other.” (Science ABC)

Fascinating! Each of us has a unique fingerprint. Your hands will touch people and circumstances that no one else in history or in the future will reach. And at the moment that your unique fingerprint is left, you have literally imparted the Kingdom and the Glory of the King of Kings over that person or that circumstance.

I have spent some time thinking about this and here are some random thoughts:

  • The Lord has divinely orchestrated circumstances that need a touch from your hand and He has equipped you for each of those appointments.
  • As a mom, your husband and your children have your sweet imprint all over them.
  • I will consider the places I choose to lay my hand in the future. Is it a situation that He has called me to serve in or not?  I don’t want my imprint to be absent where it should be and I don’t want to leave my mark on people or situations that would be better off without it.

You are a blessing and your unique imprint on the world around you leaves an eternal mark.

My love,

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