Candy Gibbs

I would love for you to take the time to listen to one of my favorite sermons by Pastor Jentezen Franklin.

What moves you? I told you earlier this summer that I am doing a Bible study this summer, Children of the Day, by Beth Moore on 1 and 2 Thessalonians.  One of the topics we have discussed is all of the hardships that the apostle Paul faced.  He was stripped, beaten, stoned, severely flogged, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and faced death on more than one occasion…and yet, he continued.  That is what you call determination.  I hate to admit it, but it would have taken just the first strippen’ to convince me that I had missed God.  He must have meant for me to spend the week on a beach instead.  All kidding aside, don’t we yearn for a calling and purpose so clear in our heart and mind that we would be determined to see it through?  Lord that we would  want to see our children serving you, our husbands winning people for the Kingdom, the hungry fed and the lost found with such passion that none of these things would move us.  Determined to see Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  Lord, make us a pure spotless bride, ready for her bridegroom…full of spunk, righteousness, boldness, strength, gentleness, and peace. 

“…Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” Isaiah 50:7

My love,

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