Candy Gibbs

Parents, PLEASE take a minute and read this article from

The “Blue Whale Challenge,” also called the “Blue Whale game,” and “F57,” is a “game” that investigators believe to have started in Russia, and has been the cause of multiple teen deaths by suicide.

It challenges players—teens and tweens—to tag each other on social media (primarily Snapchat). Once tagged, they’re in the game.

The group behind the challenge gives teens a new task each day for 50 days.

Participants download the app, which essentially hacks their personal information, and cannot be deleted.

Challenges start with fear-inducing tasks like watching horror films all day long, or waking up in the middle of the night; but quickly escalate to tasks of self-harm, or the harming of others. Eventually, the final task on the 50th day is suicide—ending the game and their lives.

What are we doing? We have a generation capable of leaving a mark and changing their very world.  We should be teaching, equipping, and encouraging them to trust Christ (I mean really trust Him.) Ask Him to do the miraculous and believe that He will! Challenge this generation to go deeper in their faith. Take a stand. Be different. Rather than call and equip them to be more than they believe they can be…we settle for insuring they have lots of followers, likes, and friends. False and shallow relationships. Their creativity and self-esteem are dying. What are we doing?

Please read this full article.  Blue whale is yet the next thing you must be aware if you allow social media to consume the life of your teen.

My love,

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